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Discover Bulkamid
for Incontinence Relief

Call or Text us to speak to one of our providers about available treatment options:

Watch Dr. Nishiya's Webinar on OAB Treatment Options:

Find Your Provider

We have15 amazing providers with years of experience.


We treat a variety of urological issues, including Advanced Prostate Cancer, BPH, and Bladder Control.

Our Facility

We are located in the West wing on the second floor of the Canyon View Medical Plaza Building in Grand

Junction, Colorado.


2373 G Rd #200

Grand Junction, CO

81505 US

Make an Appointment

The practice specializes in the medical and surgical treatment of the genitourinary tract in both adults and children. 


Call to make an appointment today!


Main Office:  (970) 243-3061

Billing Office: (970) 287-2258

Billing Email:

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